What type of gear do Firefighters use?

Firefighter gear, also known as personal protective equipment (PPE), is designed to provide firefighters with protection from the various hazards they may encounter while on duty. Here is a list of common firefighter gear:

  1. Fire Helmet: Fire helmets provide head protection and often have a visor or face shield to protect the firefighter's face from heat and debris.

  2. Fire Coat (Turnout Jacket): The fire coat is a heavy, flame-resistant jacket designed to protect the upper body from extreme heat and flames.

  3. Fire Pants (Turnout Pants): These pants are made from flame-resistant materials and are designed to provide protection for the legs and lower body.

  4. Fire Gloves: Fire-resistant gloves protect the hands and provide a good grip for handling equipment and tools.

  5. Fire Boots: Fire boots are specially designed to withstand high temperatures and provide ankle support and protection.

  6. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA): SCBAs provide firefighters with a source of clean, breathable air when working in smoky or hazardous environments.

  7. Nomex Hood: This hood is worn under the helmet to protect the neck and face from heat and potential burns.

  8. Personal Alert Safety System (PASS) Device: A PASS device is an alarm system that sounds if a firefighter becomes motionless, helping other firefighters locate them in an emergency.

  9. Fire-Resistant Undergarments: Specialized undergarments, like Nomex or PBI, are worn to protect the skin from heat and burns.

  10. Fire Goggles or Face Shield: These protective devices shield the eyes from heat, smoke, and debris.

  11. Fire Shelter (Wildland Firefighters): Wildland firefighters use fire shelters as a last resort for protection during extreme wildfire conditions.

  12. Thermal Imaging Camera: This device helps firefighters see through smoke and darkness to locate victims or navigate through a fire scene.

  13. Fire-resistant Hood and Balaclava: These garments provide additional protection for the neck and head.

  14. Hearing Protection: Earplugs or earmuffs are used to protect against loud noises and explosions at the scene.

  15. Fire-Resistant Radio Harness: A harness worn by the firefighter to carry a two-way radio for communication.

  16. Tools and Equipment: Firefighters may carry tools like an axe, Halligan bar, hose nozzles, and other firefighting equipment as part of their gear.

  17. Fire-Resistant Flash Hood: This additional hood is used to protect the firefighter's neck and head while working in close proximity to flames.

  18. Extrication Gloves: These gloves are designed for use in vehicle extrication and rescue operations, providing protection and grip.

  19. Visit our Firefighter decal page. 

It's important to note that the specific gear and its design may vary depending on the type of firefighting (e.g., structural, wildland, hazardous materials) and the regulations of the local fire department or agency. Firefighters are trained to properly use and maintain their gear to ensure their safety and effectiveness while on duty.

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